Learn to love your story...

Come Home to Love

Do you ever wonder if you belong in this world? It's like you don't fit in. Relationships don't work for you. It seems you never meet the right person. Or you always do something wrong and it doesn't turn out well. Perhaps you have even stopped trying because there's no point in getting disappointed and hurt again. How much longer will it go on like this?

If it seems that no matter how hard you try, somehow it never works out for you, and you are beginning to lose hope, because it's like you are missing a piece of a puzzle and don't know what to do differently, but deep down in your heart you know it is possible to experience a happy, healthy, and mutually fulfilling relationship, you're in the right place.

What Are You Struggling With?


Repetitive patterns in relationships, e.g. similar personalities of partners, unavailable partners, cannot get your needs met.


 Relationships are too complicated and exhausting, seems like it is easier and safer to stay single.


You cannot get over a painful breakup or still hold resentment toward your former partner and cannot find closure.

And yet, deep in your heart you long to experience a loving and fulfilling relationship.

Calling In The One Program

has been designed to help you find answers to all your questions, identify any inner barriers that have been hindering you from creating the relationship you desire, and grow into the version of yourself that is capable of sustaining this kind of bond over time. 

A New Perspective

  Our life is not happening to us, it's happening through us.

Your past does not pre-determine your future. Only  you do:) 

Our life, including our love life, is not a matter of chance or good luck, we have the power to intentionally create it.

Set out on a discovery journey

Turn the Page and Start a  New Chapter of Your Story 

They say it all happens for a reason, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, or it will come in the right moment when you are ready for it.  

But what if you are feeling stuck and helpless, and have no idea how to learn from your experiences and what to do differently? You have already been trying to do your best, yet to no avail. 

Please don't blame yourself or give up on love. Sometimes we need support to be able to learn and grow. 

A little bit about me

My name is Liba Mikletičová and I am a certified coach of the Calling In The One program created by an amarican psychologist and therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas, my personal mentor in the coach training that I completed in June 2021. I was awarded a licence to guide people in Slovakia or any other nationality on this very transformative and liberating journey of self-discovery towards healthy, happy and satisfying relationships.

A little bit about the program

The program consists of 8 sessions in weekly or bi-weekly intervals. During this time, you will also be reading the book "Calling In The One" written by Katherine W. Thomas, the author of the program. This book offers new and inspiring perspective on love and relationships, and it also includes practical actions and challenges to enable to do deep inner work and transform your life on a daily basis.

The coaching sessions follow along the content of the book yet each session has a specific focus and serves as a cathalyst for growth. They allow you the opportunity to share and root down your insights, a chance to step out of your habitual ways of thinking and perception as well as addressing possible blind spots.

It is also a safe space for you to express all your deepest emotions, thoughts and whatever it is that your are going through without a fear of being rejected or judged. You learn and practice using effective tools to process difficult emotions, make empowered meaning of your experiences and consciously create your life. 

This Program Is for You

if you feel lost and don't understand why relationships don't work our for you
if you are looking to find a profound, committed, fulfilling relationship
if you are familiar with various theories and even know where your difficulties are coming from but you are not able to implement this to your life in a way that would make a difference
if you are willing to set aside enough time to go deep and let go of your habitual ways of thinking and showing up
if you are intrigued by the idea that your future is ever emerging and you have the power to shape it

Book a Free 30-minute Discovery Session

Set aside time for yourself

The conversation will take place in the form of a video call via Google Meet. 

You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the link after booking your appointment.


Jan, 63 (Merseyside, UK)

Liba was kind, patient, intuitive and insightful throughout the time that she supported me. With her, I have developed new knowledge and understanding of how I function in relationships and how I can move forward in a much more informed and positive way.

I felt safe and understood, the compassion I was shown and the time I was given to process my new understanding has proved invaluable.

At times this was hard work, I had to make sustained effort, but I knew the effort would be rewarded because I had someone at my side who knew and understood where I had come from and how my early wounds impacted my relationships and importantly that I was prepared to work hard and dig deep.

I wish I'd had Liba at my side more than 40 years ago, at the age of 63 I now get why I am where I am and how not to stay stuck in this situation for a minute longer. She enabled me to discover that I have value, that I have a voice and that voice needs to be heard, that it is safe to express my needs and that my value is sacred.

I believe my future has many exciting possibilities now, whereas before I just walked away or closed doors before they were even fully opened. There is still work to be done, I know this but I feel I have the strength, the skills, the knowledge, the understanding, and the self-love to know that it is worth pursuing my forever love and that he is just around the corner!

I will never forget the unique gift of a new life that Liba has opened up for me.

Dominique, 40 (New YorkUSA)

I highly recommend working with Liba! She created a safe space for me to explore the Calling in the One program and myself! I reached new levels working with her and I would not have been able to do it if she wasn't such a great coach. She gently challenged me, affirmed me, and offered new ways of thinking and being throughout the process that have proven to be so valuable. 

During our sessions Liba was always present and offered such great insight and guidance. I appreciated how affirming she was and how she demonstrated through her questioning how much she was paying attention to the ideas and goals I expressed during our sessions. She consistently showed, through her actions, that she cares deeply about the work she does and that she is dedicated to helping people.

Before our sessions I struggled with being vulnerable but Liba made our sessions so comfortable that I felt empowered to take full advantage of the experience, by being open and dedicated to the work we were doing. 

I was able to envision a happier future, and fold new and intentional self-love practices into my daily regimen with her support and almost immediately after our course and work concluded the love of my life showed up and I am sure the tools I developed working with Liba made it possible and have continued to make me a better partner.

Working with Liba was life changing so if you're looking for an encouraging, patient, and knowledgeable coach with great insight Liba is the coach for you.


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